Everyone knows that installing a swimming pool is a grueling project that takes hundreds of man hours and puts your backyard out of commission for months. Well… maybe not. Assembling a prefabricated swimming pool isn’t nearly as complicated as building one onsite. Whether you’re looking to do it yourself or just do it faster, prefab pools offer all the simplicity you need to make it happen.
Of course, prefab inground pools have their disadvantages as well. Mainly, they just don’t give you all the features and customizations you might need to build your dream pool. But if you don’t mind not having control over every little aspect of the pool, there’s a lot to recommend this approach.
Fiberglass Pools
For a lot of people, prefab pool is synonymous with fiberglass pool. Fiberglass swimming pool shells are shipped intact from the manufacturer to your home, where they are typically hoisted via a crane into your backyard. Compared to concrete pool installation, there’s relatively little for pool builders to do onsite. That’s why these pools can often be completed in a matter of days.
Because these pool shells are delivered on trucks, there’s a limit to how big they can be. Also, the number of different shapes available is large, but finite. If you want a really large and/or unusual pool, concrete is still your best bet.
Otherwise, you don’t sacrifice much with fiberglass swimming pools. Some people don’t like the smooth feel of their surface, but others prefer it to concrete or vinyl. These pools are generally durable and easy to maintain, too, with one exception – they can crack under certain circumstances. Given all the advantages, it’s no wonder fiberglass pools are one of the more expensive options out there.
Inground Pool Kits
Inground pool kits offer a different sort of prefabrication. For one relatively low price, they include all the stuff you need to assemble a swimming pool yourself. Or you can hire a handyman to do it for you, avoiding the cost of a professional pool builder.
Swimming pool kits often come with extensive documentation and phone support to guide you during the installation. While no one should underestimate the work involved in putting all the pieces of the kit together, it’s much more straightforward than typical pool installations. One of these pools can usually be completed in a week or less.
Pool kits don’t offer you all the options you would have with a concrete pool, though some companies do let you customize your kit a lot. You’re stuck with a limited number of choices for pool shape, and in general, you don’t get to make all the micro decisions that go into designing a swimming pool (which is actually a selling point for some people). Most pool kits include vinyl lining, but you can also get them with a fiberglass shell.
Take Your Time to Decide
While it would be great to get your pool installed quickly, it’s a mistake to rush to judgment when doing your planning and preparation. Before settling on what type of inground pool to get, do your research and make sure it’s what you really want. Also be sure you’ve got a handle on the landscaping, fencing, and any other outside features you’re going to need. But most importantly, take the time to pick the best services and contractors to help you get the job done right.